Rob Ribeiro

Rob Ribeiro

Name der Komposition:

'Trapped In Time'



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Robert Ribeiro


Robert Ribeiro


Robert Ribeiro bei Active Dreamer Audio

Mastered by Bob Cooper, Leeds

Band/Künstler Beschreibung:

Hi, my name is Rob and I'm an Active Dreamer.

"Music is what drives me. Music is what makes me.

It's the thing that will always be part of my life."

#cantstoptherob aka "Silver Fox"

Link zu Band/Künstler:


Over the Mountain

Over the rainbow

I saw you smiling

I felt the sun glow

I wanted to skydive

I wanted to feel life

I wanted to find a way to come back home

But I will never stop to try

Forever will deny

The fact that I have left it all behind

But I got trapped in time

Over the ocean

Over the wave show

I saw you smiling

I felt the wind blow

I was at the seaside

I thought of my life

And then i knew that I felt safe back home

But I will never stop to try

Forever will deny

The fact that I have left it all behind

But I got trapped in time

How could I've known

What was deep inside me

I second guessed

What i could have been

It was all me

It’s all on me

But I will never stop to try

Forever will deny

The fact that I have left it all behind

But I got trapped in time