Inhalt: Doku / Session / Lyrics / Credits / Urversion / Fotos / Downloads / Rohspuren / Mix Stems
Dokumentarfilm (DOKU):
Full-Song (SESSION):
Veranstaltung (Watch & Talk):
So leave me dancing, dancing alone
As I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of this song
the rhythm of this song
I'm sliding through
The stairs and pairs
Of you and your reflection underneath the stairs
Only silver lines dare to intertwine
You pour me in
Oh shit I pour it out
I'm watering the flowerbed around my house
In which I'm flying in the back of the crowd
So leave me dancing, dancing alone
As I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of this song
And I'm taking a few steps away from you
Because sometimes I like to change my point of view
I like to change
I like to rearrange
The people and the music in a new terrain
Stop the time for hours, guess I need superpowers
I wanna feel your heart
I wanna feel the start
I'm standing outside in the backyard
When your wind hits me hard, It's like a work of art
So leave me dancing, dancing alone
As I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of this song
And I'm taking a few steps away from you
Because sometimes I like to change
Sometimes I like to change
Don't want to speak nothing is nameable
Words seem content unavailable
Good for me nothing is scaleable
When your underwater
Where nothing bothers yeah
I'm underwater
And I don't bother
As I'm underwater
And nothing bothers
So leave me dancing, dancing alone
As I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of this song
So leave me dancing, dancing alone
As I'm trying to figure out the rhythm of this song
And I'm taking a few steps away from you
Because sometimes I like to change my point of view
Veröffentlicht am: 06.11.2020
Titel: “Dancing Alone”
Komposition von Lea Haufler
durchgeführt von…
Lea Haufler : E-Gitarre, Akustische Gitarre, Keys und Stimme
Niclas Egerer: E-Bass
Lukas Pferrer: Drums
Tiago Fernandes: E-Gitarre
Produziert von Tiago Fernandes
Aufgenommen von Robert Ribeiro
Gemischt und gemastert von Tiago Fernandes
Videoproduktion von Frieder /Pavement Graphics
Interview durchgeführt von Manuela “Ella” Kugler
Aufgenommen bei Proudly Ugly
Veröffentlicht bei Active Dreamer Records
Urversion (SAMPLER):
Downloade eine mp3 von “Dancing Alone”
Lade dir die Multitracks (Einzelspuren) herunter und mische sie neu
Das Produkt hat eine CC BY-NC-SA Lizenz.
Das vorhandene Material kann vielseitig zu Lehr- und Übungszwecken dienen, wie beispielsweise zur Herstellung von Remixes.
Mit dieser Lizenz könnt ihr den Track nicht kommerziell remixen, anpassen und darauf aufbauen. Sie erlaubt die Weiterverteilung des Tracks unter Nennung des Originalkünstlers und unter identischen Lizenzbedingungen.
01 - Kick In
02 - Kick Out
03 - Snare Top
04 - Snare Bottom
05 - Floor Tom
06 - Rack Tom
07 - Hi Hat
08 - Overhead Left
09 - Overhead Center
10 - Overhead Right
11 - Room Left
12 - Room Right
13 - Bass DI
14 - Bass Mic
15 - E. Guitar Left Mic 1
16 - E. Guitar Right Mic 2
17 - E. Guitar Center Mic 1
18 - E. Guitar Center Mic 2
19 - E. Guitar Center Room
20 - E. Guitar Right Mic 1
21 - E. Guitar Right Mic 2
22 - E. Guitar Right Room
23 - E. Guitar Right 2 Mic 1
24 - E. Guitar Right 2 Mic 2
25 - Acoustic Guitar Mic 1
26 - Acoustic Guitar Mic 2
27 - Lead Vocal
28 - Backing Vocal 1.1
29 - Backing Vocal 1.2
30 - Backing Vocal 2.1
31 - Backing Vocal 2.2
32 - Backing Vocal 3.1
33 - Backing Vocal 3.2
34 - Backing Vocal 4.1
35 - Backing Vocal 4.2
01 - Drums
02 - Bass
03 - E. Guitar Left
04 - E. Guitar Center
05 - E. Guitar Right
06 - Acoustic Guitar
07 - Keys
08 - Lead Vocal
09 - Backing Vocal