Lowlife Chambers

Lowlife Chambers

Name der Komposition:



Rock, Pop, Punk

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Jannik Riesterer


Jannik Riesterer


Produziert/aufgenommen/gemischt/gemastert von: Timo Klabunde

Band/Künstler Beschreibung:

Lowlife Chambers sind das Ergebnis eines gescheiterten Revivals. Drei Leute, die sich irgendwann am Ende der 2000er Jahre kennengelernt haben, aber erst seit 2019 zusammen Musik machen und tief mit den goldenen Zeiten des Pop-Punk verwurzelt sind.

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all the cool kids having fun with all their friends

getting drunk at the pool until the summer ends

this is gonna be the best time of their lives I guess

I have to laugh because my life is a total mess

I cannot say what's wrong with me

but I smile about the fact that my life is a misery

all I wanna do is to play these songs in this basement

we would be poor if we had to pay a rent

every time when I come back to you

I know that I am home and it is true:

the world can break down on me

my life can drown in misery

but I know a place where I am free

it’s like I’ve spent my whole life in there

the smell of cold smoke and basement air

I was depressed and i felt sad, now I know there was a place in which I felt like who I really am

and I would love to play with you in this old school again

every time when I come back to you

I know that I am home and it is true:

the world can break down on me

my life can drown in misery

but I know a place where I am free

i try to not give a fuck about all the sad times

about the fights and doubts no matter how cliche or trite it sounds

growing up in a fucked up world is mad

so try to remember and keep this time in your head

every time when I come back to you

I know that I am home and it is true:

the world can break down on me

my life can drown in misery

but I know a place where I am free